sobota, 20 października 2018

Fear Effects

Jako, że mamy w drużynie paladyna, postanowiłem sprawdzić, ile czarów bazuje na wywoływaniu strachu. Po odpaleniu Spell Database okazało się, że z Core Rules jest ich dokładnie osiem. Oto one:

Bane (Lvl 1)
Cause Fear (Lvl 1)
Doom (Lvl 1)
Fear (Lvl 4*)
Phantasmal Killer (Lvl 4)
Scare (Lvl 2)
Symbol of Fear (Lvl 6)
Weird (Lvl 9)

niedziela, 9 września 2018

Czy wiesz, że...

... jednak nie można pójść "na krzyż" stojąc w drzwiach, albo tak wejść do drzwi - zasady wprost tego zakazują.

Measuring Distance

As a general rule, distance is measured assuming that 1 square equals 5 feet.
Diagonals: When measuring distance, the first diagonal counts as 1 square, the second counts as 2 squares, the third counts as 1, the fourth as 2, and so on.
You can't move diagonally past a corner (even by taking a 5-foot step). You can move diagonally past a creature, even an opponent.
You can also move diagonally past other impassable obstacles, such as pits.
Closest Creature: When it's important to determine the closest square or creature to a location, if two squares or creatures are equally close, randomly determine which one counts as closest by rolling a die.